Anxiety Ease Elixer
Anxiety Ease Elixer
Anxiety Ease Elixer
Made with 100% organic locally grown: rose petals, milky oats, motherwort, vervain. Homegrown tulsi, and CA poppy. Infused in organic raw vegetable glycerin and filtered water for 3 weeks.
Similar to an alcohol tincture, vegetable glycerin is a gentle solvent that pulls out all of the medicinal qualities of plants. It also tastes yummy and it is safe and easy for anyone to take!
This elixer is very special to me. As someone that has struggled with chronic anxiety most of my life, and has endlessly tried to find solutions to my mental illnesses, I wanted to create a medicine that is effective, fast acting, and works to holistically support the human body and positively impact the Earth. When I first entered the world of plant medicine, I was filled with so much joy and hope that there is another way to treat mental illness. An ancient way that has sustained human communities for thousands of years. It was a huge DUH moment for me! Why haven’t we been taught these things. It is my goal to reconnect people to this type of healing. A way of healing that has been used by all of our ancestors, no matter where we come from. The most ancient form of medicine is plants. It is rooted in all of us, we just have to remember. All of the herbs in this elixer are nervines, which work to support the nervous system and slow down the body in a way that promotes mental clarity and feelings of ease and comfort.
This medicine can be taken by anyone (even kids) at any time of the day and can be put directly onto the tongue or in tea or water or anything. It is the perfect thing to bring with you anywhere and take when anxiety, worry, and panic presents itself. I hope that this medicine comforts you and gives you hope as it has done for me. Remember to breath and give intentions of goodness when you take it.
. This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.