

Hi there! Welcome to my little shop. Moon to Moon is owned and operated by Brooklyn Nash. We are a small home grown apothecary shop in the Santa Ynez Mountains above Santa Barbara, CA, nestled in the oak woodland. Rooted in seasonal, small batch, and local medicines. We honor our ancestors by living moon to moon, we believe in slow and intentional living, and we make our herbal products the same way- with slow traditional processes. Most herbs and flowers at grocery stores come from other countries and are highly processed to where the spirit, vitality, and medicine of the plant is diminished. We are passionate about providing quality wholesome herbal products to our community.

Our Mission,

We give endless gratitude to the abundant land around us and to the Chumash peoples of this land who have been stewards for thousands of years. We use more than organic and no till processes to grow our herbs on our small home stead surrounded by sun and coastal breeze. We believe in incorporating biodiversity and life to every part of the growing process. Our harvesting practices mirror our gardening practices. We wild harvest with a conservative mindset and only collect what is abundant and in season. We are very mindful of the plants that we collect and their sacredness to the native peoples of this land.

Our goal is to introduce people to the incredible healing and magic that plants have to offer. We hope to bridge the gap between people and plants that has just formed in the past couple hundred years. 80% of the world’s people still rely on herbs for their health, our Western culture is the small percent that has completely moved away from these traditions. We want to make this medicine as affordable and accessible as possible. We seek to incorporate equity and mutual aid to those who need it. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you are interested in accessing this form of herbal reparations.