Working Hands Salve
Working Hands Salve
For those with calluses, burns, cuts, bites, dry skin, welts, ezcema, and everything in between. This salve is made with plants that aid in healing our largest organ, the skin. Made with the spirit of those who work with their hands, and the remembrance of our ancestors who built all that we have and know today. This salve is made with calendula, plantain, yarrow, and comfrey all seeped in organic jojoba oil. All incredible plant allies that work on a cellular level to repair any skin ailments. They all draw toxicity from the body and stop inflammation that is present. These herbs are also anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-septic. Thus working to clean out any wound and promote cell repair and regeneration of new cells. On a spiritual level, these herbs symbolize protection, prosperity, and strength.
~ a little goes a long way ~